Successful attendance at Smart City Expo World Congress 2023
November brought a highlight as ASCEND proudly participated in the joint EC representation at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona.
Fira building
ASCEND at Smart City Expo World Congress, Barcelona
ASCEND is set to join about 30 EC Initiatives on Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona on 7- 9 November 2023.
Lyon launches local council "Partenariat d’Innovations Confluence"
On 14 September more than 70 people gathered at Lyon Confluence to embark on an exciting journey of innovation.
Lyon launches local council 3
Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Conference

In Brussels, we have just reached the end of the "Mission in Progress", the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Conference that brought together all NetZeroCitiesEU partners to achieve climate-neutral cities by 2030.

Visit of Águas do Porto

A glance at the facilities of Águas do Porto, EM, that we discovered during our ASCEND workshop last week

Águas do Porto is the municipal water utility company of Porto, Portugal. 

ASCEND's workshop in Porto

We have reached the end of ASCEND's workshop, which took place in the vibrant Porto, one of our multiplier cities.

Over these two days (16 and 17 June 2023), we covered much ground, sharing the roadmaps from the Lighthouse Cities Munich and Lyon across ASCEND's six solution packages.

5 harvesting workshops in our Multiplier Cities:

ASCEND, and Energy Cities recently facilitated 5 harvesting workshops in our Multiplier Cities: Porto, Prague, Alba Iulia, Budapest and Charleroi.

Driving change: decarbonizing mobility and freight logistics
Clean mobility plays an important role in making cities cleaner and healthier for their residents.
Building Tomorrow: energy-efficient buildings integrating RES, storage and frugal solutions
To align with the ambitious target of the European Green Deal – achieving climate neutrality by 2050 –  buildings must become highly energy-efficient.
Democratising energy production and consumption
The landscape of energy production and consumption is undergoing profound transformation, thanks to technological advancements.