event münchen

Munich, Germany is to become climate-neutral by 2035. An ambitious goal that various projects and initiatives are currently working on in the state capital. At the forefront is the ASCEND project aiming to create a first energy-positive neighbourhood in the Harthof district by 2027.

The recent information event on 28 November 2023, organised by the ASCEND project partners in collaboration with the city of Munich and the Münchner Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung (MGS), marked a crucial step in engaging homeowners and property managers in this journey - with active participation of over 30 homeowners and property managers from the Harthof district. 


The gathering commenced with opening remarks from Christiane Meier, Head of the Department for Housing Promotion and Technical Assessment, and Dr. Stefan Synek, Project Manager of ASCEND in the Department of Labour and Economic Development.


Katharina Walter, energy consultant at MGS, presented how the Harthof project area can become energy-positive, underscoring the inherent value of energy modernisation. 

To facilitate a deeper understanding of these opportunities, Walter announced the commencement of energy consultation hours at the ASCEND project office from December onwards. MGS, with its experience in managing homeowners' associations, offers support for modernisation processes and provides expert energy consultants to guide homeowners through the transition.

Moritz Bayer from GWG-München introduced the concept of "serial refurbishment," a modernisation method designed to minimise construction time and disruption to tenants. 

Sabine Angerer-Gayer from Südhausbau Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Verwaltung GmbH & Co. KG provided a real-world example from Aubing, showcasing how homeowners' associations can be motivated to undertake modernisation projects. She emphasised the transfer of knowledge about the possibilities of energy modernisation and financing through the free consultations offered by MGS.

Addressing the crucial aspect of sustainable mobility, Kerstin Swoboda from the mobility department outlined the ASCEND project's plans, including investments in charging infrastructure and optimising delivery traffic for climate-neutral last-mile deliveries.

info table

The event concluded with the guests being offered further consultations at information tables covering energy advice, district heating, tenant electricity, photovoltaic systems, and mobility. 

Held at the Protestant community centre of the Reconciliation Church in Hugo-Wolf-Str. 18, the event also opened the doors to the ASCEND project office in Harthof. Starting from December 2023, the office will be a dedicated hub for information and consultations, with opening and consultation hours available on the Munich website

info table

The ASCEND project is not only transforming Harthof but is set to be a pioneer for sustainable urban development in Munich, demonstrating that a green and energy-positive future is not only desirable but achievable.